Post 5- My Future Job

 Post 5- My Future Job

Hello, today I will tell you about what job I would like to have in the future.

 I am currently a chemistry and pharmacy student and I still have a long way to go to finish my degree, which has a wide field of work.

 I would like to start working in a hospital or community pharmacy (in that order of priority) to be able to gain work experience and create contacts, although I still do not have a clear area that calls my attention more than the others, I would like to work with a team and as far as possible have contact with different professionals, I would like to work with a team of professionals to be able to give the best treatment to the patients or it could be in the industry in production areas, what would matter most to me is to relate with other professionals and to be able to learn from them since I consider that each one can have something to teach to the others and one has something new to learn.

If I had to choose between working in an office or outdoors, at the moment I don't consider that it has more importance and with the jobs I have had in my life I value more having a good work environment.

 I do not plan to travel and leave Chile to look for a job but if I had to do it, it would be to study a major related to my career, the year and a fraction that I have left to finish it, I will investigate about majors that I can study in the future.


  1. saving lives as doctor house, It is a very interesting hospital pharmacy but you have to spend a lot of time on it

  2. For further comments and feedback on your writing, please refer to the Rubric published in the U-Cursos Platform.


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