Post 3: My Pets

Hello, in this publication I will tell you about my pets, throughout my life I have gone through many pets among which are dogs, hamsters, canaries, doves, rabbits, ducks, lizards and spiders, I even had a guinea pig as a pet, I currently have two pets, a dog named Canela and a rabbit named Chapo.

We adopted my dog when she was about five months old, a person was giving her away because she couldn't keep her at home, when she came to my house she was very fearful and shivered a lot, I assumed that her previous owner had neglected her a little but over time she stopped doing it and became very friendly. We named her Canela because when we went to pick her up she came with a blanket with cinnamon scent.

El Chapo was bought by my brother in a pet store and we simply accepted him in the house, we gave him that name because when he arrived he started making holes in the yard like tunnels and we compared him to the drug trafficker Chapo Guzman who escaped through the tunnels he made.

My pets make me very happy and I play with them every day, Canela likes to play with her tennis ball and Chapo plays with a small beach ball pushing it back and forth.


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