Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about some changes that could be made to the Chemistry and Pharmacy curriculum.

I am currently finishing the fourth year of my career and I consider that the courses I have had to take to get this far are vital to be able to perform in my future work as a pharmaceutical chemist, because I consider that the curriculum is too complete because it is not only focused only to work in pharmacies but it is also focused on industry, clinical work and research, we are also given the option to take specialized courses that allow us to focus on an area that interests us more. 

I think that the length of the career is too short for the large amount of knowledge that has to be integrated and I believe that if the career is lengthened by 1 more year, the topics to be studied could be deepened in a better way, so I consider that the academic load is too much semester by semester from the third year of the career, where sometimes we have to spend entire nights studying.

In this publication I want to present my dissatisfaction with the facilities of the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences because of the little space available for the amount of activities and students in it. I believe that there is enough technology to adequately develop the teaching activities but as for the teaching methods I consider that it is not adequate although it is understood that it is the only way to deliver the knowledge for the large number of students that each course has.


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