

Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about some changes that could be made to the Chemistry and Pharmacy curriculum. I am currently finishing the fourth year of my career and I consider that the courses I have had to take to get this far are vital to be able to perform in my future work as a pharmaceutical chemist, because I consider that the curriculum is too complete because it is not only focused only to work in pharmacies but it is also focused on industry, clinical work and research, we are also given the option to take specialized courses that allow us to focus on an area that interests us more.  I think that the length of the career is too short for the large amount of knowledge that has to be integrated and I believe that if the career is lengthened by 1 more year, the topics to be studied could be deepened in a better way, so I consider that the academic load is too much semester by semester from the third year of the career, where sometimes we have to spend entire nights

Post 6: Time travel to the future

  Hello everyone, today I have to tell you about a time travel that I would like to do. I would like to travel to the commune of Lonquimay in the Chile of the year 2032, exactly I would like to travel to the board that is the place where the Biobío river is formed in that commune because it is a place that we visit with my family for camping and sport fishing every year when we travel to southern Chile and year after year I have noticed how the environment changes for the worse, if I had to mention any of them would be: de-forestation, pollution of rivers by the excavation of hills near them, each time the rivers have less water and less amount of fish. Unfortunately this trip 10 years in the future would only be to see if that nostalgic place that I visit year after year with my family on vacations still exists. I am not very optimistic about the future of Chile in terms of pollution and drought, I understand that progress cannot be stopped but how much we will have to lose to do it.

Post 5- My Future Job

  Post 5- My Future Job Hello, today I will tell you about what job I would like to have in the future.  I am currently a chemistry and pharmacy student and I still have a long way to go to finish my degree, which has a wide field of work.  I would like to start working in a hospital or community pharmacy (in that order of priority) to be able to gain work experience and create contacts, although I still do not have a clear area that calls my attention more than the others, I would like to work with a team and as far as possible have contact with different professionals, I would like to work with a team of professionals to be able to give the best treatment to the patients or it could be in the industry in production areas, what would matter most to me is to relate with other professionals and to be able to learn from them since I consider that each one can have something to teach to the others and one has something new to learn. If I had to choose between working in an office or outdo

Post 4: Childhood series

 Childhood series Hello, today I will tell you about the series I watched in my childhood, I don't have many memories of my childhood playing with friends but I do have many memories of spending entire afternoons after school watching Dragon Ball, The Knights of the Zodiac, Sailor Moon, Akira among others.  My sister used to buy VHS of anime like Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Phoenix 2772.... and let me watch them after finishing my homework, she ended up giving me all those VHS and I still have one in good condition which is ''the zodiac knights'' the great battle of the gods. After that I couldn't watch VHS anymore because the VHS player didn't work anymore, but at that time there were already some anime that were broadcasted on TV.  After a few years, around the age of ten, anime magazines like ANIMEDIA started to be issued and I would ask my parents to buy me one magazine a year, so I could find out about the ones I had not been able to watch during that time.

Post 3: My Pets

Hello, in this publication I will tell you about my pets, throughout my life I have gone through many pets among which are dogs, hamsters, canaries, doves, rabbits, ducks, lizards and spiders, I even had a guinea pig as a pet, I currently have two pets, a dog named Canela and a rabbit named Chapo. We adopted my dog when she was about five months old, a person was giving her away because she couldn't keep her at home, when she came to my house she was very fearful and shivered a lot, I assumed that her previous owner had neglected her a little but over time she stopped doing it and became very friendly. We named her Canela because when we went to pick her up she came with a blanket with cinnamon scent. El Chapo was bought by my brother in a pet store and we simply accepted him in the house, we gave him that name because when he arrived he started making holes in the yard like tunnels and we compared him to the drug trafficker Chapo Guzman who escaped through the tunnels he made. My

Post 2: The best holidays ever

Touring the route Hello everyone, in this post I will tell you a little bit about the best vacation I have ever had, this happens at the beginning of the year 2017 just before entering my first year of university, I went to the mountains near the border with Argentina to camp with my family but this was the final destination of the trip, the most important thing was the road we traveled to get there, We left from the town of Lautaro on route S-11, which is full of waterfalls such as ''el salto de la princesa'' and ''el salto del indio'', also along the way you can see a plateau and a volcano, After traveling all along this route and passing through several villages we arrived at the "Tunnel of the roots" which is the longest tunnel in Chile, tired of the trip we made a stop at the "galletué lagoon" in Lonquimay and finally arrived at our destination which was the junction between the Icalma and Galletue rivers. ¨salto de la princesa¨

Post 1 : A country you would like to visit

Japan Hello everyone, in this post I will talk about Japan🗼, it is one of the countries that I like to go to experience a different culture from Chile🗿, I am also a fan of Asian culture and I consider it a unique country. Japan is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean, its capital is Tokyo and its language is very complex😓 because there are several regional dialects, but at present the official language is the Japanese language, which is spoken in Tokyo. In this country I would like to go sightseeing trying to know several places like👀 Arashiyama, Hiroshima, Hitsujiyama Park, Kabukicho, Akihabara......... and so I could go on with a big list of places.😁😁 I would like to live in Japan although I consider it an expensive country💱 to do so and the difficulties that may exist due to communication issues😓, I consider it a place that can offer you a unique experience depending on the area of the country in which you decide to live.😄